First pictures from the trip: Journey; Kuala Lumpur, Penang

So we finally booked our time and uploaded some pictures from the trip, you can find them in my Picasaweb albums:

Travel itinerary

The itinerary for our travel:

  • 20.3. departure from Vienna through Doha to Kuala Lumpur
  • end of March: Kuala Lumpur, South Thailand islands (Krabi and surroundings)
  • April: Bali, Java, Singapore
  • May: Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia
  • June: Vietnam, maybe Laos
  • beginning of July: Bangkok
  • 4.7. departure from Bangkok through Doha to Budapest

Necessary vaccinations

All vaccines needed for our trip:


  • Hepatitis type A and B: hep. is most often vaccinated with Twinrix vaccines, where you get 3 injections on day 0 – day 21 – day 21+5 months. After the 3rd vaccination you should be immune to type A for approx. 10-15 years, for type B 15 years to infinite (sources differ 🙂
    Each vaccination is about 1500 CZK, we already got them from our previous trips.
  • Typhus: one vaccination, lasts 3 years, needs to be applied every time. Costs 660 CZK.


  • Rabies: there are 3 vaccinations in the basic schedule of day 0 – day 7 – day 21, the 4th is then applied after a year. Re-vaccination is later applied every 5 years. Every vaccination costs around 550 CZK.
  • Meningitis: one vaccination for 4 most common types, costs 1400 CZK and should last for life.


  • Malaria: there is no vaccination against it, you can only get pills as a prevention. Its (non-)usage is a very often discussed on travelers’ forums.
  • Tetanus:this one was a part of compulsory vaccinations for the youth, it is applied every 15 years and I needed a re-vaccination. It costs 350 CZK.